Day 2 – Chapel Hill Compatriots (Melissa Walker)

Melissa Walker is the whirling dervish of the online YA-world and Sarah Dessen’s fellow Chapel Hill-ian.  Her newest title, Lovestruck Summer is now available in stores and I would definitely recommend you check out her Violet on the Runway series.  Melissa’s blog can be found here and her YouTube channel here.

Tomorrow – Janssen from Everyday Reading 

6 thoughts on “Day 2 – Chapel Hill Compatriots (Melissa Walker)

  1. Amber says:

    Melissa Walker is so adorable! I remember seeing the magazine on Sarah’s LJ and it makes me want to go to Chapel Hill just to see what I would recgonize from the books.

  2. Adele says:

    Totally agree, Amber. Melissa is adorable…as is that super cute tank she’s wearing. I am officially lusting after it.

    It’s cool to hear that Owen’s wall is a real place. Though Sarah’s characters have always “existed” for me, the notion that there is an actual wall blows my mind.

    Thanks so much, Melissa. I am beyond grateful and extremely overwhelmed by your graciousness and generosity.

  3. Erika Lynn says:

    I love your vlogs Melissa, you are so cute! and I really love when you are reading a book and you know the places.

  4. Holly Cupala says:

    Love that Melissa Walker! It’s fun to hear the inside scoop about locations.

  5. So sweet! Go Melissa. 🙂

  6. Thao says:

    Ah such a sweet and lovely vblog. I love Sarah Dessen and Melissa Walker!

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